Officer Shoots 12-Pound Dog Claiming It Threatened His Life

Posted on: November 8th, 2013 6 Comments
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A six-foot-tall, nearly 300-pound probation officer Antoine Jones shot and killed a 12-pound dog during a routine visit, claiming he was frightened for his life.

Georgia probation officers Ronnie Simmons and Antoine Jones visited Sherry Shelton’s home at the Loblolly Estates Mobile Home Park to check on her son. When Sherry Shelton opened the door, her 2-year-old Jack Russell terrier/Cocker Spaniel mix named Patches started barking at Jones. She told the officer that Patches wouldn’t bite, but before she could react, Jones drew his gun and shot the dog through her chest. Some 30 minutes later, Patches died.

When terrified Shelton asked Jones for an explanation, he responded that he was afraid for his life.

“A little dog like that, you could stomp your feet or kick her out of the way or something, but he just shot her,” said Shelton in a statement.

The official statement from Georgia Department of Corrections justifies Jones’ act:


“On Oct. 7th, two Albany Probation Officers were conducting a field visit. During this time, an Albany Probation Officer was involved in an incident that required him to use use of force against an aggressive canine during a field visit. An incident report was filed and it was determined that the Probation Officer responded appropriately.”

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6 Responses

  1. Windy says:

    Anyone who is”afraid for his life” in the face of a 12 lb dog should NEVER be allowed to carry a gun or have any kind of authority over others. That little dog couldn’t open his mouth far enough to get it around a wrist let alone endanger anyone’s life. That cop should be fired and charged with criminal animal cruelty for the purpose of intimidation. The poor little dog suffered for 30 minutes before dying and the woman whose companion she was, was traumatized by having this happen right before her eyes, for NO legitimate reason. These kinds of incidents make people like me (who are not violent at all, ever) want to make that cop suffer as much as that little dog and her owner suffered.

    • Mitchell says:

      What an unbelievable coward that want to be cop is. What would happen if a human look at him sideways? Probably kill a whole block of people, because he thought they were pulling a gun. He IS a useless T*WT. What a dam wan-to-be!

  2. Pastor Bob says:

    And the police make three more enemies.

  3. Mitchell says:

    You know, how much a dog looks like a useless cop! AssHats should be put down(cops that is),if they can not tell the difference between a dog and a criminal. If you are too stupid to tell the difference, you should no longer be allowed to breath!!

  4. bobbymike says:

    Just remember the police and politicians who say WE are not – the citizenry – responsible enough to carry a gun!

  5. Candace says:

    That is ridiculous for the probation officer to kill that little nitty dog! He needs to be prosecuted and lose his job! We cannot allow this dog killing fad to go on!!!

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