Man Dies After Being Pinned To Ground By Police

Posted on: October 22nd, 2011 9 Comments
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Recently in Toronto a 45-year-old man was taking a walk with his mother to grab a slice of pizza.

Out of nowhere a couple of police officers approaches them and starts pinning the innocent man to ground and handcuffing him.

His mother is screaming that her son doesn’t see or hear that well, but the officers just ignore her and ask her to step back.

A witness said that she saw how they arrested him and suddenly started to uncuff him.

What actually happened is that the man died while they kept pushing him on the ground.

Soon an ambulance was at the place, but too late, the man had stopped breathing.

Special Investigations Unit, SIU, is still investigating the case, but they claim that he collapsed after a “physical interaction” during the arrest.

One neighbor explained that the 45-year-old had been in a car accident when little so he has some issues with speaking to people because he has a limited ability to communicate.

I bet the officers got mad at him when he didn’t know how to answer their irrelevant questions. The man was just out on a walk with his mother.

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9 Responses

  1. Steve says:

    Why do no people avenge their family? These pigs should be killed in retribution.

  2. mslisababy says:

    wow..just disgusting…ive said it before and ill say it a million times more. FUCK THE POLICE!!! im sure theres a few good cops out there and thats great..but ive never had an officer assist me even if i WAS calling for help. only good for themselves.. and now this poor man is dead. he never even seen it coming! and his mother stood there basically pleading for his life! unreal! nothing like a little dick behind a big badge i swear…

  3. Ben Fenton says:

    I love your site, but we really need links to your sources.

  4. Allan Collison says:

    wow..just disgusting…ive said it before and ill say it a million times more. FUCK THE POLICE!!! im sure theres a few good cops out there and thats great..but ive never had an officer assist me even if i WAS calling for help. only good for themselves.. and now this poor man is dead. he never even seen it coming! and his mother stood there basically pleading for his life! unreal! nothing like a little dick behind a big badge i swear…

  5. metoo says:

    those officers if you want to call them that should all be shot period they murdered him plain and simple

  6. Maksym says:

    All cops and their families should be killed. After their kids and/or other loved ones are raped and/or tortured in front of them, of course.

  7. slango20 says:

    one thing, chuck norris, and them, in a boxing match, who would win? chuck

  8. anon says:

    How the hell do people die while being pinned down?

  9. terry wagar says:

    Cops kill people all the time and they just fake justification and pretend they are just “Doing their jobs” attitude, well that don’t cut it when they kill unarmed people!


    But police will pretend your refusal to answer a question is being non-cooperative and may use it as an excuse to assault you or batter you!

    Cops kill people all the time, they are pro’s at causing deaths and making it look like it is not their fault when in fact they deliberately cause the death.

    Cops fake justification for all their actions knowing they will never be cross=examined in a criminal court of law, so they never fear lying about circumstances and events and they will say whatever just to make themselves appear justified!

    People that are disabled are heavily targeted by police and police will use those disability’s to fake claims such as “The suspect was not following are orders!” and will batter the victim.

    I got news for you, some people cannot hear well and some people are brain damaged and cannot function like a normal person, that does not make them criminals at all, but cops will pretend that the person they are attacking did something to give the cops reason for their actions, and I know cops will fake whatever they have to to justify whatever attack they do on people!

    The officer’s need to be publicly identified, the source of this story needs to be made public, and I encourage people to please look into these story’s for themselves, because many many people that are victims of cops never get heard publicly and many people are unable to find help because our own system has a stranglehold on these type of news story’s.

    For the most part our prosecutors and courts tend to look the other way in situations like this so there are no one victims can turn to for help.

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