Police Murderer A Free Man After 11 Months In Jail

Posted on: June 14th, 2011 5 Comments
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In July 2010 California police officer Johannes Mehserle was sentenced for manslaughter after shooting an unarmed 22-year-old man on a train platform in Oakland in 2009. 11 months later he is a free man. The cop claims that he thought his gun was his taser, so he said that when he shot the man he had no idea it was the gun before it was too late.

He got two years sentence to begin with but it was obviously shortened with 13 months. Why he was released so early is still unknown. 200 protesters marched peacefully to show how shocked they are and how unfair it is to the young man that was killed by “mistake”.

A family member claims that the cop did it intentionally. How can you be a police officer and not know the difference between a taser and a gun?

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5 Responses

  1. jerry moore says:

    That is just how cops are. They have the same mentality as a child molester. They prey on the innocent and that gives them there power trip.

  2. Mcdouglas says:

    The Pierre Francois Blais case, that shocked Canada’s nation capital

    Leclair family sues city of Gatineau and cop who shot brother

    JULY 7, 2011 11:14:43 EDT AM

    The family of a man who was shot to death by police three years ago is suing the city of Gatineau and the officer who fired the shots.
    “We want closure. We want justice still,” Donna Leclair told the Sun
    Her 35-year-old brother, David Leclair, died on June 28, 2008 after he was shot outside his mother’s Aylmer home when a police officer responded to a domestic call.
    Gatineau officer Pierre-Francois Blais, who beat Leclair with a club, pepper-sprayed him, and subsequently shot him three times — once in the back — was cleared of any wrongdoing by Quebec provincial police.
    While the officer maintained LeClair grabbed a crowbar in the confrontation, witnesses say he was unarmed.
    “We can’t get on,” Donna said. “He not only took David’s life, he destroyed all our family… This shouldn’t happen to anybody.”
    On June 23, after three long years of waiting for justice during which repeated calls for a public enquiry into the shooting went answered, the Leclair family launched a $430,000 civil suit in Gatineau court.
    “We’re not doing this for financial gains. We’re doing it, we want justice. If that’s the way they’re going to hear us, well then that’s the way they’re going to hear us,” Donna said.
    “It is a living nightmare and it’s in our faces every single day, every single moment. There’s not a day that goes by we don’t think of David and think of him lying there shot in the back.”
    City officials did not respond to calls for comment Thursday.
    “His daughter needs answers, you know, she has to grow up without a father,” Donna said.
    “We want to know David is resting in peace. We don’t feel he’s resting.”

  3. Ron says:

    Gatineau Cop Pierre francois Blais assaults 73 year old woman and then kills her son.

    A Gatineau mall cop violated a man’s Charter rights when he shot and killed him in 2008, according to a litany of charges filed under Quebec’s Police Act.
    On June 29, 2011 — one day past the three-year anniversary of David Leclair’s death and just five days after the Leclair family launched a $430,000 civil suit against the officer and the city — the province’s police ethics commissioner slapped mall cop Pierre-Francois Blais with 10 charges.
    Though he remains on active duty, he was unreachable for comment Wednesday.
    “It’ll never bring David back, it never should have happened to begin with,” Leclair’s sister, Donna told the Sun Wednesday. She is still pressing for a public inquiry into her brother’s death.
    A 35-year-old single father who was well-known to police, Leclair was shot three times outside his mother’s Aylmer, Que. home after Blais responded to a domestic complaint involving Leclair’s ex.
    In February 2007, Leclair pleaded guilty and was handed an 11-month sentence for fraud.
    Separate fraud and assault charges from 2006 were stayed, and he was also due to appear in court later in 2008 on theft and fraud charges.
    On the day of Leclair’s death, Blais had followed him into his mother’s home, beat him with a club and pepper-sprayed him before shooting him three times outside, including once in the back. Blais said LeClair grabbed a crowbar in the confrontation but witnesses say he was unarmed.
    The officer also struck Leclair’s then 73-year-old mother, Dorothy, in the leg with his baton and, according to witnesses, threatened to shoot her and LeClair’s brother Robert if they intervened.
    “Personally, I would love him to have jail time, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen at this point,” Donna said.
    Blais, the son of chief justice of the Federal Court of Appeal Pierre Blais, was cleared in 2009 of any criminal wrongdoing after a provincial police investigation.
    The latest charges, which stem from a formal complaint filed to the police ethics commissioner, allege Blais acted carelessly and recklessly in his dealings with Leclair, used obscene or offensive language, displayed a lack of respect or courtesy, abused his authority, and violated Leclair’s Charter right to life, liberty and security of the person.
    Blais is also charged with using excessive force against Leclair’s mother, along with four other charges.
    “Will this bring us closure? I don’t know, but I hope it helps … Something is better than nothing right now,” Donna said. “We’ll see how it plays out.”
    No hearing date has been set yet.
    The charges against Pierre-Francois Blais:
    1. Acted carelessly and recklessly in his dealings with Leclair
    2. Using obscene or offensive language
    3. Displaying a lack of respect or courtesy
    4. Abusing his authority
    5. Violated Leclair’s Charter right to life, liberty and security of the person
    6. Using obscene or offensive language in his dealings with Dorothy Leclair
    7. Displaying a lack of respect or courtesy
    8. Excessive force
    9. Making threats
    10. Failing to prevent or contribute to preventing justice from taking its course
    Key dates in the aftermath of David Leclair’s death:
    • June 28, 2008 – David Leclair, 35, is shot three times outside his mother’s Aylmer, Que. home by Gatineau Const. Pierre-Francois Blais. Leclair dies in hospital.
    • June 29, 2008 – Investigation turned over to the Quebec provincial police.
    • June 30, 2008 – Questions arise why the officer wasn’t equipped with a stun gun.
    • September 2008 – Quebec provincial police finish their investigation and pass the file to the Crown.
    • February 2009 – Quebec Crown attorney decides against pursuing charges against Blais, saying the officer used “reasonable force” considering the circumstances.
    • April 2009 – Leclair family files a request for a public inquiry into David’s death with Quebec’s public security ministry.
    • June 23, 2011 – Leclair family launches a $430,000 civil suit against Pierre-Francois Blais and the city of Gatineau
    • June 29, 2011 – Quebec’s police ethics commissioner lays 10 charges against Const. Pierre-Francois Blais.
    What happened on June 28, 2008 (from the coroner’s report):
    • On June 25, 2008, at 4:20 a.m. David Leclair goes to female friend’s house, intoxicated, physically and verbally violent, makes death threats.
    • She doesn’t call cops right away but does three days later (10:25 a.m. June 28.) after he harasses her by phone.
    • Leclair is well known by police.
    • The officer calls Leclair’s mother’s house to say he will arrest Leclair, leaving a message, then goes to house after calling for backup.
    • Officer arrives, finds Leclair outside with a friend and informs him he’s under arrest.
    • Leclair doesn’t obey and goes back into the house, threatening the officer.
    • The officer asks Leclair in English and French to lie on the floor but Leclair becomes increasingly threatening, holding an object.
    • The officer hits Leclair on the arm with his baton, to no effect, then uses pepper spray.
    • Now outside, Leclair takes a metal bar and threatens the officer, who warns he’ll shoot.
    • Leclair becomes more aggressive and moves toward the cop.
    • The officer fears for his life and shoots three times.
    • An ambulance is called at 11:34 a.m.
    • Leclair arrives at the hospital at 12 p.m.
    • Leclair dies at 6:55 p.m.

  4. terry wagar says:

    The police murder people, the police frame people, the police rape people, the police are an organized gang of criminals that do not recognize complaints against them.

    Charge a cop with a crime and they ignore it, call 911 and they will assault you and then cover up your 911 call, charge a cop with a crime publicly and they will have their bro’s at the hospital label you as mentally ill on their paperwork.

    Cops have a very large history of killing people they label mentally ill, they do this to discredit their victims accusations.

    Charge a cop with a crime to a cops face and that cop will smirk at you and ignore everything you just said, in your presence, that’s their way of making it known to you they don’t give a damn you are a victim.

    Cops are so organized that they literally brag to their victims, cops will provoke you into defending yourself, and that’s the moment that they either beat you or kill you.

    This goes on all over the country, and their is always someone in charge of so called “investigations” into these police actions that simply label the cops in some form or another as “justified” and they do this without a trial, a criminal trial.

    I don’t remember the people surrendering judicial authority’s to any law officer to make judicial decisions such as that without their being a trial.

    If a cop kills anyone there should be a trial, a criminal trial, to determine whether a cop committed a crime or not.

    It is sad that cops know they will not stand trial in a criminal court room even if people back up criminal complaints against them because cops know their bro’s got their back, and no prosecutor is willing to prosecute a cop.

    That only leaves family’s of victims the option of a civil judgement against the police, and civil judgements are only over money, not jail time, and the tax payers get the bill.

    So cops just don’t give a damn they know their bro’s got their backs and the tax payers take care of the civil aspect of damages, so cops know they can get away with murder and smirk about it.

    There is no law or due process in this country anymore while cops are free to ignore law and due process.

    Charge a cop with a felony, that’s when you discover you been fed propaganda all your life and wake up to the fact that we live in a fascist country.

    Terry Wagar

  5. martin says:

    In the case of Pierre francois Blais of Gatineau police, according to witnesses, he assaulted a 73 year old woman and then shot her son David Leclair in the back according to a coroners report. Pictures taken at the scene show Blais wearing military combat pants, it is quite possible that David leclair could have concluded that Blais was an intruder and Leclair simply wanted to defend and protect his family against what he? perceived to be an agressive intruder not a cop. Blais is charged on 10 counts by the Quebec police ethics commission.

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